EPICONCEPT Epigenetics and Periconception Environment COST Action FA1201
Working Group 2:
Periconception Environment Lead Prof Kevin Sinclair
Deputy-Lead Dr Anne Navarrete-Santos
Aims To identify environmental factors that can lead to epigenetic modifications in gametes and pre-implantation mammalian embryos:
Parental diet
Environmental chemicals
Physical/emotional stressors
Parental health
Seasonal factors (eg photoperiod)
Gamete/embryo manipulations associated with assisted reproductive technology (ART)
To identify stages of development during the periconceptional period that are particularly sensitive to epigenetic modifications:
Germ-cell specification
Oocyte growth/maturation
Preimplantation development
To characterise the nature of epigenetic modifications induced to:
DNA associated proteins
To understand the long-term developmental consequences of periconceptional epigenetic modifications:
Fetal development
Neonatal viability
Offspring growth and long-term health
Sexual dimorphic effects
Persistency and epigenetic inheritance